helping your brand tell its story





A friendship forged in wine, coffee, sarcasm and GIFs, Chris Skaggs and Travis Cobb founded BODDHI Branding with a shared vision of authentically and creatively constructing stories to help your brand grow. The two believe that every brand has a story to tell and the company was created to help each brand tell a more compelling story.

Similar to having a kid, there is never a perfect time to start a business; however, after years in corporate America, freelancing and dreaming about being the drivers of their own destiny, Chris and Travis decided the time was right. They didn’t need to, they didn’t have to, they had great jobs and made good money, but the desire to do more by helping more burned bright.

The pairs’ complimentary combination of skills makes them the perfect storytelling pair. Chris’ background in digital and social media, branding, recruitment and content strategy combined with Travis’ creativity, graphic design and photography skill set allows for the most thorough story to be told to help your brand grow.






Branding, social media, content strategy and people operations are all skills that Chris has developed as he’s built teams, processes and strategies from the ground up. Starting his career as a recruiter, he learned early on the power of storytelling and relationships. Prior to co-founding BODDHI, his previous experience includes various senior-level roles in brand, marketing, and talent management and acquisition.

Chris received a BA from The University of Texas at Austin where he was an active member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and the waterski team.

Chris is also passionate about giving back to his community — primarily as the co-founder of Leighton’s Gift, a 501(c)(3) public charity that he and his wife started after the death of their daughter in 2011. The charity’s mission is to turn a tragedy into something positive and build a lasting legacy for Leighton. He also serves as a board and committee member for a variety of different nonprofits.

Whether it’s public speaking or writing, I love to share my professional and personal experiences and what I’ve learned. I have been published on CNN, Marketing Sherpa, Thrive Global, CBS Radio, and Glassdoor.

Outside of work, I live that #dadlife to the fullest and love spending time with my family. I enjoy a bold cabernet, strong coffee and watching my Longhorns in any sporting event — Hook ‘Em!




Travis has extensive graphic design, multimedia marketing and photography experience. His passion rests in combining the arts with the mundane — he loves taking something sterile and turning it into something visually engaging. Prior to BODDHI, Travis has held a variety of roles including design director, graphic designer, creative director and even owner of his own photography company.

Originally from Whidbey Island, Washington, Travis studied fine arts with a concentration in photography at The University of Texas at Dallas. Travis has a knack for seeing and presenting things from a different perspective, and his photographs have been repeatedly featured in outlets including Tumblr, Post the People, The FIND Lab and VSCO. His work has also been published in print dozens of times in publications like American Cheerleader Magazine and Cheer Biz News. He is proud when he's able to create something that both tells a story and evokes a response from the viewer.

In his personal life, Travis spends most of his spare time watching his son, Ethan, play competitive baseball. His hobbies include music, playing his guitar, photography, baseball, traveling, camping, but most of all — a good glass of Cabernet. He collects wine, original movie posters, and film cameras.




Our company name is formed by a combination of the female Sanskrit term, “buddhi” & the more familiar masculine form “buddha.” Both terms are derived from the root *budh, meaning to be awake, to understand, to know.



To help your brand tell its story


To authentically and creatively construct stories to help your brand grow


Be Vulnerable
Respect All
Thoughtful Criticism
Happiness Rules
