Going Inbound to Grow

In today’s technology-driven world, companies that do not have a healthy and robust digital presence will not be able to effectively and efficiently tell their stories in order to grow. In the world of branding and marketing, there are really two approaches for how to build awareness for your products and services.

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Chris Skaggs
Employee Engagement: Do Your Part

Pick a company, any company, and on some level, employee satisfaction is most likely measured. This may be through net promotor scores, annual employee surveys or something similar. But what do these measurements really tell us about true employee engagement?

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Chris Skaggs
What To Do When Inspiration Is Lacking

We’ve all been there before. Those times when we feel like we are just going through the motions. Maybe we don’t have a real sense of purpose or direction and just feel generally uninspired. In case you need help, here are a few tips on where to look when inspiration is lacking.

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Chris Skaggs
How To Stand Out Among The Digital Noise

Just as a business uses branding to create a unique name or image for a product or service, you too can use branding to position yourself as a thought leader and move ahead in your career. The trick is getting people to pay attention to your content and standing out amongst all the digital noise.

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Chris Skaggs
The Ultimate List of Blogs and Newsletters

There is no shortage of amazing content being created and distributed daily. All you need is an email address to have articles delivered straight to your inbox. Content can be used for your own personal growth and betterment, or part of your curated social strategy.

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Chris Skaggs
Why Digital Networking is the New Business Card

Business cards are a waste of money. There, I said it. Don’t get me wrong, contact information is incredibly important – office number, cell phone number and email address – but we’ve moved beyond the traditional business card, especially now that nearly all of us carry around a mini-computer in our pockets.

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Chris Skaggs
Increase Brand Awareness With Employee Advocacy

If you want to increase brand awareness and you aren’t including an employee advocacy program as part of your content strategy, then you’re missing out on a treasure trove of untapped potential. With numbers like that, it’s clear why you should not only be participating in social media as a brand, but encouraging your employees to engage and share content as well.

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Chris Skaggs